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Vice  President/ Secretary

Sooa Hong

Gyeonggi Suwon International School, 11th

My hobbies include reading, writing, and playing the violin. Through my time in Hiking Heroes, I wish to build leadership skills and develop more knowledge about the various environmental crises of the world.



Yoonje Jin

Seoul Foreign School, 11th

I decided to join Hiking Heroes not only because of the fact that I have a strong moral interest, but because I have recently taken a great interest in hiking and personal health. I think that the potential and the sheer amount of positive influence our club could have in South Korea (not just conservation-wise, but in other ways too) could simply be amazing; hence another reason I have joined the club. My hobbies include listening to music, playing the trumpet, and reading novels. I have recently had rekindled fascination for writing and video editing.



Seoyoon Jin

Seoul Foreign School, 8th

I enjoy theatre, art, singing, and cooking. I also love the environment and want to help protect it, which I believe I can achieve through Hiking Hereos. Some possible goals I hope to achieve are to pick up a decent amount of trash from littered areas in Korea and to create at least two awareness videos or articles about the environment we are destroying.




Joonwoo Jeong

Seoul Foreign School, 8th

Some of the things that I like to do in my free time are gaming, singing, and chatting with people! When thinking about what I value about the environment, I thought Hiking Heroes was a good opportunity to care for the planet. A goal I would like to achieve in this community is to raise awareness for others and learn more about what I can do to help.



Vice President / Project Coordinator

Erin Kim

Gyeonggi Suwon International School, 11th

Because I enjoy doing art and designing, I wanted to become Project Coordinator. I also enjoy reading and performing. Through this opportunity, I hope to gain experience and knowledge from activities outside of school and enhance my cooperation skills with others. Most of all, I hope to get a better understanding of our environment. 

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Hohyeon Lee

Gyeonggi Suwon International School, 10th

My hobbies are photography and reading. I decided to join Hiking Heroes because I felt it was one of the best opportunities to directly help the environment as much as possible.  As a member, I hope to spread environmental awareness and work to achieve goals set by the club. 



Elena Jo

Seoul Foreign School, 8th

One of my favorite hobbies is playing the flute and listening to music. I joined Hiking Heroes because I wanted to contribute to helping our planet Earth by engaging in various activities with friends who also appreciate the beautiful nature we need to protect. I am excited about this opportunity to become a dedicated member of Team Hiking Heroes and experience being an environmentalist.


Honoray Member

Mimi Cewon Song

Canada Prestige High School, 11th 

Things I enjoy doing include physical activities such as swimming, playing with my dogs, and writing short essays about social issues that are of interest to young people.

By being a part of Hiking Heroes, I would like to know more about what is happening to our planet right now and discuss ways to positively affect the environment as students.

I think learning and sharing creative ideas as a group is so much more effective than doing it alone. To better contribute as a member, I hope to develop communication skills on two levels - sharing my ideas with the other members of Hiking Heroes, then in turn, conveying our beliefs and messages out to the world.

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Honorary Member

Jihu Song

Canada Prestige High School, 11th 

I find joy in activities like bike riding, drawing, and also any other type of exercise that makes me work up a sweat. Riding a bike isn't just fun, but it's a chance to connect with nature – I love feeling the cool breeze on my skin and watching the trees whiz by.  
I want to preserve the environment because I want to be able to enjoy cycling in the future and for a long time to come. I also want to connect with my peers who share similar interests, exchange ideas, and realize the future we dream of. Together, we can work towards creating an eco-friendly and sustainable environment for cycling and all the other activities that celebrate the beauty of our Earth. So, let's all come together for our future before it’s too late.

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